
Lab & Facilities

Our research is at the leading edge of Chemical Engineering, Material Science and Engineering and Industrial Production Engineering and focuses on broad strategic areas of interdisciplinary research that have a high societal impact: Energy Production, Composites and Bio-inspired Materials and Systems, and Industrial Processes.

A wealth of laboratories and key large equipment make the DICMaPI a unique environment for the development of science and the fostering of innovation.

Below, a list of laboratories and key large equipment.



Microscopy lab https://www.dicmapi.unina.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Microscopia-confocale.mp4 RADARL Paolo A. Netti Filippo Causa Valeria Panzetta David Dannhauser Research activity Confocal microscope observations of cells and other biological samples. Single cell analysis under microfluidic flow conditions using the SALS prototype. Instruments Microscopio confocale (Zeiss LSM



Cellular and Molecular Engineering https://www.dicmapi.unina.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Ing-cellulare-e-molecolare.mp4 RADARL Paolo A. Netti Filippo Causa Valeria Panzetta David Dannhauser Research activity Biological fluids are a “gold mine” of information that can define the physiological state or identify pathologies of individuals. The success of an



Biomaterial lab https://www.dicmapi.unina.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/LAB_Biomateriali_Ing_Tessuti.mp4 RADARL Paolo A. Netti Filippo Causa Francesco Urciuolo Enza Toino Maurizio Ventre Valeria Panzetta Research activity Biomaterials are defined as materials that interact with living beings and which have the purpose of restoring the functions of injured



Ingeneria Cellulare e Molecolare https://www.dicmapi.unina.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Ing-cellulare-e-molecolare.mp4 RADARL Paolo A. Netti Filippo Causa Valeria Panzetta David Dannhauser Attività di ricerca I fluidi biologici sono una “miniera d’oro” di informazioni che possono definire lo stato fisiologico o individuare patologie degli individui. Il successo



Microscopia Ottica https://www.dicmapi.unina.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Microscopia-confocale.mp4 RADARL Paolo A. Netti Filippo Causa Valeria Panzetta David Dannhauser Attività di ricerca Osservazioni al microscopio confocale di cellule e altri campioni biologici. Analisi di singola cellula in condizioni di flusso microfluidico utilizzando il prototipo SALS. Strumenti



Biomateriali e Ingegneria dei Tessuti https://www.dicmapi.unina.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/LAB_Biomateriali_Ing_Tessuti.mp4 RADARL Paolo A. Netti Filippo Causa Francesco Urciuolo Enza Toino Maurizio Ventre Valeria Panzetta Attività di ricerca Vengono definiti biomateriali i materiali che interagiscono con gli esseri viventi e che hanno lo scopo di



Menu The research group may rely on the availability of: • Ozonation and photoxidation plants at lab scale• Analytical instruments such as HPLC, HPLC-MS, GC, GC-MS, TOC and spectrophotometer UV-vis along with different types of commercial calorimeters (DSC, ARC and



Menu The research group may rely on the availability of: • Ozonation and photoxidation plants at lab scale• Analytical instruments such as HPLC, HPLC-MS, GC, GC-MS, TOC and spectrophotometer UV-vis along with different types of commercial calorimeters (DSC, ARC and



Menu The research group may rely on the availability of: • Ozonation and photoxidation plants at lab scale• Analytical instruments such as HPLC, HPLC-MS, GC, GC-MS, TOC and spectrophotometer UV-vis along with different types of commercial calorimeters (DSC, ARC and



Menu The research group may rely on the availability of: • Ozonation and photoxidation plants at lab scale• Analytical instruments such as HPLC, HPLC-MS, GC, GC-MS, TOC and spectrophotometer UV-vis along with different types of commercial calorimeters (DSC, ARC and



Menu The research group may rely on the availability of: • Ozonation and photoxidation plants at lab scale• Analytical instruments such as HPLC, HPLC-MS, GC, GC-MS, TOC and spectrophotometer UV-vis along with different types of commercial calorimeters (DSC, ARC and



Menu The research group may rely on the availability of: • Ozonation and photoxidation plants at lab scale• Analytical instruments such as HPLC, HPLC-MS, GC, GC-MS, TOC and spectrophotometer UV-vis along with different types of commercial calorimeters (DSC, ARC and

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